Be Born From Above...
Be Born From Above...: July 2023


Digital Time

Digital Time

Trumped Up

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Recording of Dr. Pierre Kory MD Talk on Childhood Vaccines, July 30, 2023


Here is Dr. Pierre Kory’s talk today on childhood vaccines. Thank G-d, it was really, really informative, interesting, and super valuable. It’s only an hour and a half long. Please don’t miss it, if you’re facing vaccine decisions or know anyone who is.

Here’s the original zoom recording. It can be downloaded.

Here is the rumble link:

Additional important information:

  1. Some people requested Dr. Kory’s slides. Dr. Kory gave them to me, but I need my tech support person to attach them to the article. 😊 Try refreshing this page tomorrow, or email me to send them to you. 

  2. Dr. Kory touched lightly on the topic of treatments for illnesses (which some parents tend to worry about when they choose not to vaccinate.) It’s important to realize that this worry is based on the assumption that the vaccines are what took away childhood illnesses, which Dr. Kory debunks. He shows graphs proving that childhood illnesses had been on a drastic decline before vaccines were developed. If you think about this, it makes sense, as the illnesses for which there are no vaccines at all have also, thank G-d, disappeared.

    In any case, Dr. Kory mentioned that various “newly discovered” viral treatments such as ivermectin - whose efficacy against viruses has become known due to covid - look very promising for the old childhood illnesses - which are also RNA viruses.

    Note: Since some people have asked me, here are sites with whooping cough treatment information:

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Saturday, July 29, 2023

America's Frontline Doctors stand up and set the record straight on the myth of masks, lockdowns and early treatments of Covid-19 such as hydroxychloroquine.

America's Frontline Doctors stand up and set the record straight on the myth of masks, lockdowns and early treatments of Covid-19 such as hydroxychloroquine. 
"masks are completely irrelevant in blocking the SARS -COV-2 virus"
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