Be Born From Above...
Be Born From Above...: September 2022


Digital Time

Digital Time

Trumped Up

Thursday, September 29, 2022

The Future of Solid State Wind Energy - No More Blades

May 18, 2021 The Future of Solid State Wind Energy - No More Blades. Go to to sign up for free. And also, the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium membership. Wind power is one of the fastest-growing renewable sources that works well at scale, but it isn't perfect. What if we could scale down wind turbine power to something that could fit on your roof? And be self-contained with smaller moving parts ... or maybe no blades or moving parts at all? Let's look at some future alternatives for harnessing wind power.

Watch "Why the Airship May Be the Future of Air Travel" Video script and citations: Follow-up podcast: Video version - Audio version -

Monday, September 26, 2022

Rethinking change | Anna Rohrbough | TEDxSnoIsleLibraries

Dec 22, 2015 This talk was given at a local TEDxSnoIsleLibraries event and produced independently of the TED Conferences. Leadership coach, Anna Rohrbough believes that focusing on problems actually perpetuates them. Anna’s clients include companies and communities whose leaders want to excel. She is president of AR Leadership, about which she says, “my business is helping people create the business and life they love.” Her own life includes serving on the City of Mukilteo’s long-range planning committee and the Mukilteo School District Budget Committee. And managing her son’s soccer team. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

If It Were Not Uncovered No One Would Believe It..

Aug 20, 2022
Now do you see why no one can deny the evidence for King David's existence? Biblical Archaeological sites that show that the Bible is real such as proof that pool of Siloam was real and the Tel Dan Stele. Joe Kirby from Off The Kirb Ministries studies Christian archaeologists amazing discoveries for God. If you find Off The Kirb Ministries videos helpful please consider subscribing (click link below) so that we don't lose touch: * I upload a NEW video every SATURDAY 9:30am Eastern Time. * ✅ Recommended playlists: 7 Videos I Hope Every Christian Watches: When Celebrities Mention God: Open Air Preaching Videos:

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 17, 2022, # 371 ( Dane...

Dr Reiner Fuellmich, international lawyer has all the evidence that pandemic is crime.

Dr Reiner Fuellmich, international lawyer has all the evidence that pandemic is crime.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is an international trial lawyer who has successfully sued large fraudulent corporations like Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank. 

His worldwide network of lawyers has listened to a hundred (meanwhile 150) experts from every field of science. They have collected undeniable evidence that the Covid pandemic is in fact a planned criminal operation. 

According to Dr. Fuellmich, a second Nuremberg trial may be needed, to prosecute all who are complicit in this unprecedented crime against humanity.


Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano ~ "We Must Unite To Stop the New World Order/Great Reset"

World renowned archbishop confronts the New World Order. This courageous man is the #1 religious whistleblower in the world. First he exposed financial corruption in the Vatican. Then he exposed systematic, organized and protected child abuse in the Vatican. Next he exposes how the Vatican is at the heart of the satanic New World Order. When the world came under attack in 2020, archbishop Vigano rose to the forefront of the awakening army worldwide. He sent a revealing letter to President Trump, in which he warned for the plan of the globalist tyrants to create a worldwide dictatorship, under the guise of health emergencies. This letter was absolutely brilliantly written and testified of a remarkably bright and educated mind, inspired by a good, caring heart.
Archbishop Vigano also released a historic warning to humanity, which was signed by hundreds of leading scholars, scientists, lawyers, journalists, and religious authorities. In this "Appeal to the Church and the World" Vigano outlines the grave dangers of the New World Order that is being installed.

Letters to Trump:

Source of Video:


MONEY & MURDER IN HOSPITALS - The world needs to know this!

Published  July 26, 2022
Download this video here: - Share far and wide. Post wherever you want.

Real life evidence on screen of how millions of people have been murdered in hospitals - for big money - during the pandemic.

Official documents, attorney statements, surviving victim testimonies, insider whistleblowers,… the evidence is overwhelming.

Countless innocent people have literally been killed - not accidentally, but on purpose - because hospital staff was being paid astronomical amounts of money.

This is part 22 from the world renowned series Sequel to the Fall of Cabal, by Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter. Watch the full series here:


Discover much more about what is going on in the world:


Intro and outro by David Sorensen from Stop World Control.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Should Christians read Jesus calling?

Should Christians read Jesus calling?

The great danger of faddish, new age books like "Jesus Calling" is that they drive a wedge between God’s people and His Word, encouraging them to look beyond the scope of Scripture for additional words from the Lord. 
In simple terms, they devalue the Bible and elevate emotional experiences and imaginary voices to the level of divine authority. 
And when anything you hear or feel could be the Lord speaking, you leave yourself open to all sorts of heresy and satanic lies. 
God’s people need to be wary of anyone who assumes to speak for Him. 
We need to defend the authority of His Word against all pretenders. 
And we need to help shepherd other believers away from the popular desire for special revelation and back to the all-sufficient Word of God. 
I like devotional books, but books that point us back to the Word of God, not medieval mysticism.

Unfortunately, many Christian publishers today 'sell out' to publish anything that sells even if it promotes theological error.

Burn this book
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For a transcript of this video, click here:

More information on this "Jesus Calling" book here is another video 

NIV version says this... 
'Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales;
rather, train yourself to be godly. For physical training is
of some value, but godliness has value for all things,
holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. '

NASB1995 version says this...
'But have nothing to do with worldly fables fit only for
old women. On the other hand, discipline yourself for
the purpose of godliness; for bodily discipline is only of
little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things,
since it holds promise for the present life and
also for the life to come. ' 1 Timothy 4:7-8

Here are good Pastors to listen to.

Assert Your Right to Informed Consent -- Or Lose It! & Watch "The Jab is horrible!"

Assert Your Right to Informed Consent -- Or Lose It! & Watch "The Jab is horrible!" 


 The Jab is horrible!
Listen up all you Jabbed! You need to know this.

Do you remember this??? 

Let’s Go With God

- Let’s Go With God 👆January 18, 2025☝ When Jesus walked this earth, there was nothing He did, said, or thought that was not in tandem with...